17 | october | 2022 | Live

Siemoniak on the phone tapping scandal: The premises of suspicion are very strong here, Falenta was close to the Russians. But when the interests of the PiS are at stake, the prosecution suddenly becomes toothless

– The premises of suspicion are very strong here. Falenta traded with the Russians and sold Russian coal. It is impossible to imagine that there was no Russian service in the energy sector. After all, the services are there, the state calls “specialization”, the rule of the secret services. And in fuels, for sure – oil, gas, coal … – said Tomasz Siemoniak in an interview with Bogdan Rymanowski in the Polsat News “Guest of Events”.

– There is a testimony and the one which in fact boils down to a suspicion of espionage, should have been a red alert for the services and the prosecution a year ago He continued.

– [Ziobro] It is the Attorney General who is responsible for the fact that various cases are simply swept under the rug, such as Prime Minister Szydło’s accident, such as the Polish Red Cross scandal. And now we also face such a situation. In the interests of the state, the prosecution should take up this matter in June of last year, when there was such testimony. During this time, this partner was tested on a polygraph, that is, a lie detector, for completely marginal problems, not the main one. After all, Falenta traded coal with the Russians, he was close to the Russians. Then, let’s also remember the record when Russian coal imports were recorded – well under the rule of the PiS. So there are a lot of these premises, but as in the cases I mentioned, when the interests of the PiS are at stake, the prosecution suddenly becomes toothless He continued.

Elite Boss

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