Category: Politics

Islam after September 11. World Civil War

What is needed is not a shock, but a dialogue of cultures. Paradoxically, it could be that, as Bassam Tibi wishes, the shock of September 11 will result in a more rapid Europeanization of Islam. The first historical analogy –

What happened on September 1st | Local or global war?

What happened in European capitals upon news of the German attack on Poland is described by a British historian in his book “1939: Countdown to War.” [Artykuł opublikowany we wrześniu 2009 roku w Pomocniku Historycznym POLITYKI „Jak rozpętała się II

The greatest armies in world history

When was Poland the greatest military power in Europe and today has an army larger than the United States and China combined? Recent years may be remembered as those in which the global arms race resumed. Russia’s actions in Ukraine