The inhabitant of Bielsko is second in the world. Sensational results of the competition in Switzerland

October 30, 2022, h. 10:40

This weekend, 20-year-old Igor Gajewski from Bielsko-Biała climbed to the second step of the podium in prestigious competitions, becoming the silver medalist of the World Pole Sports Champions – IPSF in Switzerland. Several dozen of the best competitors from all over the world participated in the competitions!

Igor Gajewski took second place at the World Pole Sports Champions – IPSF. The best acrobats from all over the world participated in the championship held in Switzerland. The competition was huge. Nevertheless, the inhabitant of Bielsko was very close to being on the top step of the podium.

– Thank you for such great support and lots of messages – I will reply to all of them. Today I will use the last day in Switzerland for sightseeing – informed Igor Gajewski on his Facebook profile.

Bielszczanin announces that the vice-world champion is not all he can do and will continue to strive for his dreams. We wrote about the details of Igor’s passion in the article Master of aerial acrobatics from Bielsko-Biała. He played in a circus for several years.


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