Ukrainian intelligence: Vadimir Putin has three doubles. Or maybe more | world news

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Putin announced a partial mobilization. “Only citizens who are in reserve will be subject to conscription.”

About Doubles Vadimir Putin the head of Ukrainian military intelligence spoke in a television interview. – I am not a “Putin expert”, let’s put it that way. In my opinion, there are three doubles that I personally notice right away – said Kyryło Budanov. However, he did not explain how he and the services would recognize them.

He also pointed out that there may be more duplicates – Ukrainian intelligence specialists are working to determine the exact number. – How many are there really? It is enough to collect information – he said.

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Ukrainian intelligence: Putin has at least three doubles

Kyryło Budanov suggested that during his July visit to Tehran Cheese fries he was replaced by a doppelganger. The army admitted that the Russian leader’s appearance was unusual and that the man seen in the video from the airport did not look like Cheese fries. – Please watch the recordings when Putin is supposed to leave plane. Is it even Putin? he said.

From time to time, the media report on the deterioration of the Russian leader’s health. In May, the anti-Putin profile on Telegram General SVR, which is to be run by a former lieutenant in Russia’s foreign intelligence service, claimed that the Russian president’s lookalikes had been “put on alert” so they could replace Putin. if necessary. . This information appeared at the same time as the reports on the operations of the politician.

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