Mozilla introduces subscription to Hubs. Meetings in virtual reality – Computerworld

Mozilla is now releasing the public beta of Hubs, a new platform for creating and hosting online meetings, but in the world of virtual reality (virtual reality). We already know that it will be a paid service.

We will pay $20 for Hubs access.  per month / Photo.  own material

We will pay $20 for Hubs access. per month / Photo. own material

Hubs lets you host online meetings. What is most interesting, however, are virtual reality (VR) meetings, so they are definitely different from what we know from Teams or Zoom.

The platform is based on WebVR and was launched in 2018. It is now so developed that Mozilla decided to introduce paid subscriptions. We already know that Hubs supports “any mixed reality headset” and works with desktop and mobile devices. During a meeting on Hubs, we can broadcast videos, images and documents in virtual reality “rooms”.

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Mozilla reports that “Rooms are powerful tools for synchronous meetings and faster group collaboration. Just create a VR room, share the link with others, and you’re done.” For groups that require more possibilities in terms of number of participants or customization of functions, the company also offers Cloud Hubs, where we can introduce various configurations.

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Hubs in subscription is a combination of the previous two forms used by Mozilla. Currently, service members have access to a dedicated Hub for up to 25 people, a customizable homepage, the ability to create unique avatars and themed packages. For this we can upload and share videos, images and documents.

We can check it all out at and sign up for the Early Access Hub version for $20. per month (plus local tax, i.e. 23% in Poland). Mozilla announces that there will also be a free version and other subscription options, but we don’t know the dates yet.

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Mozilla Hubs fits right in with the metaverse trend. The company says virtual worlds aren’t particularly new, as the technology has been around for many years, but it’s only recently that the appropriate tools have become widely available and have attracted a lot of interest. “We see 3D becoming a big part of the future of the internet, so we continue our mission to provide the best tools for online face-to-face interaction through hubs,” the statement said.

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