EpiskopatNews – Twitter profile. Latest tweets from 01/07/2023

EpiskopatNews on its Twitter profile wrote on January 7, 2023: “Today at 12:00 p.m. in the Temple of Divine Providence a Holy Mass will be celebrated for the late Pope Benedict XVI with the participation of the Polish Episcopal Conference. . The Eucharist will be presided by Msgr. Salvatore Pennacchio, Apostolic Nuncio in Poland. . “”.

The episcopate regularly shares various information on Twitter. On the EpiskopatNews profile you can find even a few tweets a day. They concern all questions likely to interest the faithful. What are the latest entries from the Episcopate on Twitter?

EpiscopateNews on Twitter

Today at 12:00 p.m. in the Temple of Divine Providence, a Holy Mass will be celebrated for the late Pope Benedict XVI with the participation of the Polish Episcopal Conference. The Eucharist will be presided by Msgr. Salvatore Pennacchio, Apostolic Nuncio in Poland. https://t.co/6CKyo6KRZm

RT @Greckokatolicki: On the occasion of Christmas according to the Julian calendar #abpPopowicz, the Metropolitan of Przemyśl – Warsaw wished…

Today is the #first resource of the month.

Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

  1. Confession
  2. First Communion.
  3. Rosary
  4. 15 minute meditation on the fifteen mysteries of the rosary https://t.co/oEaF1osHBv

RT @bpmsolarczyk: The presence of Jesus Christ and his ministry has restored people to health in soul and body. Although they participated in…

#BibleForToday: “You children are of God and you have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 Jn 3:22-4:6).

RT @ArchiGdansk: Three Kings Procession in Gdańsk. More: https://t.co/sPkNzmHx5K https://t.co/VHWbzeyV9B

RT @d_sandomierska: #OrszakTrzechKróli – #Tarnobrzeg https://t.co/6kQLbA4GLh

1.5 million participants in more than 750 cities took part in the largest street crèche in the world. https://t.co/Y5yAR968Ex

RT @DiecSiedlce: 👑🌠 #Siedlce – today was Jubilee X #OrszakTrzechKróli. Holy Mass the opening was chaired by @sdmgrzegorz. https:…

RT @BialArchi: Several thousand residents of Białystok celebrated the Epiphany celebration by participating in the Three Kings Procession, which I…

RT @Gosc_Niedzielny: Bishop Ryś during the procession: Christ draws the Magi to him. https://t.co/HalkWe5ooR https://t.co/b67JTe8ZNK

RT @ArchLubelska: #OrszakTrzechKróli #Lublin @Orszak3Kroli @EpiskopatNews @RadioMaryja

The Pope greeted the participants of the Procession of the Three Kings in Poland. https://t.co/i0PzejwtHX

RT @NLubelska: #OrszakTrzechKróli in Lublin
@ArchLubelska https://t.co/MmlYu7nDiC

RT @NLubelska: Those who have encountered Christ and accepted him into their lives know why they live and where they are going – Bishop Adam Bab said during Orsza…

RT @ArchKrakowska: Three Kings Procession in Wadowice 👑🙌 https://t.co/2EgkloYDWO

RT @JasnaGoraNews: 🌟- We want to be a star and lead everyone to Jesus, as well as kings who, being pagans, recognized in Jesus the true…

RT @StanislawBudzik: John Paul II was – like St. Paul – the apostle of the nations. Benedict XVI – like St. Peter – strengthened the faith of the Church. Pope F…

RT @ArchPoznan: During the celebration of Epiphany, the procession of the Three Kings went through the streets of Poznań – from the church in Jeżyce to the monastery house…

RT @DiecWloclawek: Bishop Krzysztof #Wętkowski in #Cathedral #Włocławek: Faith needs courage to overcome obstacles to reach Jesus and…


It’s happening in Poland and around the world – read on i.pl

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