The IAEA sends inspectors to five nuclear power plants, climate activists to Davos… All this Sunday’s news.
Through The (with AFP)
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Nuclear. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, will visit Kiev until January 20 to deploy inspectors to several nuclear sites. A total of five power plants will be under permanent surveillance, including Chernobyl. Until now, only the highly sensitive site of Zaporijia, close to the frontline and regularly bombed, housed personnel of the international organization. As of now, “around 11 to 12 experts will be present at all times” in Ukraine to “monitor the situation, examine the equipment” or even “provide technical assistance,” the agency said.
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Demonstration. Socialist Party activists demonstrate in Davos, Switzerland, against holding the World Economic Forum, to demand a climate tax on the rich and the debt cancellation of the countries of the South. The Forum will take place from Monday 16 to Sunday 20 January.
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Sport. After 12 years of absence, the National Winter Games for transplant patients and dialysis patients are back for a tenth edition in Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise (Savoie). The last edition took place in 2011 at La Chapelle d’Abondance. The event, which will run until January 20, aims to promote successful transplantation and the need for organ donationby the positive image of transplant recipients and dialysis patients who exercise and play sports.
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