Here are the 20 countries that will drive global economic growth in 2024 [TOP 2019]

According to forecasts released this week by the International Monetary Fund in the World Economic Outlook report, weaker global economic growth, which is expected to fall to 3% in 2019. – the lowest since the last global financial crisis, will be felt in almost 90 percent of the world’s countries.

The slowdown will also affect the economically strongest countries. The growth rate in China is expected to continue to slow, and in the near future the Middle Kingdom will be a much weaker driver of global GDP. Estimates indicate that China’s share of global GDP growth will decline by 4.4 percentage points, from 32.7 percent. in 2018-2019 to 28.3 percent in 2024

Using the IMF’s purchasing power parity-adjusted forecasts, Bloomberg attempted to answer the question of which economies are now the world’s biggest players and will drive global growth in five years.

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The agency’s estimates show that the United States, while still accounting for a significant share of global GDP growth, will fall to third place behind India. According to Bloomberg estimates, by 2024 America’s share in global GDP dynamics will decrease by 13.8 percent. to 9.2 percent, while at the same time, India’s share could increase up to 15.5 percent.

Indonesia will remain in fourth place and will account for 3.7%. global economic growth in 2024, which represents a slight downward revision from 3.9%. in 2019

However, Britain’s importance will decline. According to Bloomberg economists, due to Brexit, the country will fall in the overall ranking from 9th place in 2019 to 13th place in 2024.

Russia’s share of global economic growth is currently 2%. and in five years it will remain at the same level. Nevertheless, Russia will likely replace Japan among the world’s five strongest economies. The Land of the Rising Sun, which is today the main engine of growth, will fall to 9th place by 2024. Brazil is also expected to fall from 11th to 6th place. However, Germany will maintain its current position in five years. Currently, Europe’s largest economy has 1.6 percent. share in global growth, which gives it 7th position on the list and in 2024 it will most likely be the same.

According to the IMF, within five years, Turkey, Mexico, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will join the top twenty driving countries of the world economy, while Spain, Poland, Canada and Vietnam in will be removed.

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