A short message from Israel. Reaction to the death of the Iranian president

A short message from Israel. Reaction to the death of the Iranian president

Israeli representatives reacted to the death of the Iranian president. There were two anonymous statements from officials who said their country had nothing to do with the disaster in which Ebrahim Raisi died.

Death information Ebrahim Raïssi » declared Pir Hossein Kolivand, head of the Red Crescent, on Monday morning. The president died in Plane crashwhich took place in eastern and northwestern Azerbaijan Iran.

LOOK: The Iranian president is dead. This is what the crash site looks like

Although the circumstances of the accident are not yet known, representatives Israel emphasize that they are not responsible for this event. Channel 13 reported an anonymous statement: “Israel is sending a message to the world that Tel Aviv had nothing to do with this incident.” Reuters received an even shorter comment on Monday, also from an anonymous government official: “It’s not us.”

Death of Iranian president. Condolences from all over the world

Following the disaster and the death of the Iranian president, world leaders are expressing their condolences and statements. Speeches include Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro and the Russian President. Vladimir Poutine.

He also joined the discussion Hamas, who expressed “his regrets and solidarity” with Iran. In a statement, the organization thanked the population for their support for Palestinian causes.

LOOK: The Iranian president is dead. Global reactions

Iranian vice president temporarily takes office as president Mohamed Mokhber. Elections must take place within 50 days. Supreme Leader of the Republic of Iran Ali Khamenei declared five days of national mourning.

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