Batman’s Tomb: World’s Best Detective Buried Alive

“Batman’s Tomb” is a comic book by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, which was published in Poland by Egmont as part of the DC Black Label series. It’s a story that fits right into the classic Dark Knight tales, but a few efforts from the writer make it shed some new light on Batman’s detective work.

Two exceptional authors are responsible for “Batman’s Tomb”. Warren Ellis (“Transmetropolitan”, “Authority”) and Bryan Hitch (“Authority”), one of the most innovative duos in modern comics, come together to tell a story about life, death and the questions that most of us are afraid to pose.

Once a week, Alfred Pennyworth goes to the small cemetery on his employer’s property and, whatever the weather, tends to the resting places of Thomas and Martha Wayne with care – weeding, cleaning monuments, scouring gravestones. At the same time, he mentally wonders when he will have to tend to another grave.

The final challenge forces Batman to delve into the mind of a victim deprived of half of his face by the murderer, and pits him against an enemy whose influence reaches into the farthest corners of Gotham. Every step Batman takes brings him closer to his own grave!

Someone may think – a lot of history has been written about Batman. And there is a lot of truth in that statement, but you have to admit that there are elements in this album that significantly improve its quality. One of them is undoubtedly drawing. It is true that Bryan Hitch has weaker moments, some scenes are ugly due to a weird line, but in other places he makes up for it. The fight scenes in particular make a very good impression, as they are very well and precisely drawn. It is rare for designers, in collaboration with scriptwriters, to render all the phases of the duels with such care.

Warren Ellis also left his mark on Batman. It makes him an excellent detective who has an unusual method of solving puzzles – he never plays the role of a killer, but always tries to get into the victim’s thoughts and actions. It is impressive and, in addition, brings the expected results. The investigation is progressing, but will it be a happy ending? Of course, I won’t.

Ellis is also interesting in the character of Alfred Pennyworth. In this comic, he is a true assistant to the Dark Knight, who is sometimes more ruthless than his superior. He’s a real badass and a gentleman. A very interesting character.

The downside of comics are some dialogues that sometimes lack logical consistency. This means that sometimes we have to stop longer. “Batman’s Tomb” is a very decent comic about Gack, which all fans of this hero should seek out. The DC Black Label series holds the level.

The review was made with the kind permission of the Egmont publishing house.

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