The text contains advertising links from our partner. Cattle breeders estimate their losses at 16 billion yen. The foot-and-mouth disease virus appeared on April 20 in Miyazaki Prefecture on the island of Kyushu. Its spread threatens
– What drives investment is the opportunity to work with a large group of people who want to innovate and need technology. This is exactly the kind of community that makes Poland an attractive place to invest, says Brad Smith
As we learn unofficially, the reason for the president’s dismissal was the fact that he had never worked in this sector before. Regulski, as a member of RUCH’s management, was responsible for its restructuring. Then, in the years 2018-2021, he
Virginie Phulpin 7:31 am, November 6, 2020 Every day the Europe 1 morning shows one of the sporting events that make the news. This Friday, Virginie Phulpin returns to the Mamadou Sakho affair. He was acquitted of doping charges. The
At Friday’s press conference, government spokesman Piotr Müller was asked why no diplomatic note had so far been sent to the German government on this subject. reparations for Poland for the Second World War. Diplomatic note “Since we are in
With a snowshoe in hand, skis on your feet or on a tatami… The range of sports is endless and we could have added dozens of other names. But we chose figures who fought to have their talent recognized, to
Especially for you, we have prepared a list of Polish cultural events of the highest level. We present it by sector of activity and in chronological order. This time, the WORLD LEAGUE category. Opening Festival (Gdynia, 30/06-3/07) This event opened
The text contains advertising links from our partner. On June 9, Marzena Kipiel-Sztuka died in the morning. This woman was a famous and very popular actress. She gained popularity and sympathy for the role of Halina
Interview with prof. Krzysztof Diks on world-class Polish computer scientists, the low level of Polish IT and the World Programming Championships taking place in Warsaw Edwin Bendyk: – This year, Poland is hosting the final of the World Academic Collaborative
This makes it very difficult for teachers and parents to prepare children for the world of work. However, it’s not impossible, he says Becky Patel, Director of Education at Tech She Can. The first thing is to understand what is