Get to know the taste of kitesurfing. Top 5 best places in the world

Victor Borsuk and Marcin Prokop.

Get to know the taste of kitesurfing. Top 5 best places in the world

The ideal place for kitesurfers was chosen by Victor Borsuk, Poland’s most successful freestyle competitor, seven-time Polish champion, who competes all over the world.

Kitesurfing is a sport for everyone. About ten hours of training are enough to master windsurfing and feel the adrenaline rush.

When Victor Borsuk started, in the pioneering days of kitesurfing, it happened that the kite would carry him several hundred meters underwater. It happened to other kitesurfers that when the kite hit a whirlpool, they were carried very high into the air. It was then an extreme sport even among extreme sports. Since then, a lot has changed and today kitesurfing is a sport for everyone. Victor talked about it in the program “With those who know each other”.

– The time of pioneers is over – says Victor Borsuk. – Now the safety systems are so good that you can escape from any situation with two fingers. Just disconnect the safety system and the problem disappears. I must admit that these are cool times for those who want to try this sport.

It is easier for Poles because we have one of the best kitesurfing spots in the world on the Baltic Sea – Victor Borsuk himself, who knows perfectly well the dream places for fans of this sport in both hemispheres, even considers it number one. In winter, you can also go to Egypt, where you will find warm, clear water and a bit of exoticism, although for kitesurfers the most important thing is that the wind blows there all year round.

Top 5 Best Places in the World for Kitesurfers (Author’s Ranking by Victor Borsuk)

1. Hel Peninsula – it’s one of the few places in the world where you have waist-deep water up to 800m from the shore, wide open spaces and relatively flat waters. This is important: waves are important for surfers and kitesurfing is like winter sports: the flatter the surface we ride on, the easier it is.

2. Ceará (a state in northern Brazil) – this is where we have warm water in the ocean, the passat, that is, a constant wind that blows every day and, above all, heavenly views.

3. Boracay (Philippines) – a place that not only combines blue water, white sand and palm trees with wind, but most importantly offers an incredible nightlife that takes place on the white beach with live music, palm trees and an exotic atmosphere.

4. Maui (Hawaii) – it is simply a legendary place in the world of kitesurfing, surfing and windsurfing. It is a bit like moving to another planet. There, the world of water sports is an element of everyday life, visible at every step.

5. Cuba – there is no other place like this in the world. Caribbean, beautiful women, safety and turquoise water.

Camps organized by Viktor Borsuk, where you can start your kitesurfing adventure under the supervision of a master, are attended by kitesurfers aged 10 and over, but with one condition: children must weigh more than 35 kg.

– It creates quite funny situations when parents call me and tell me that summer is coming and children are starting to eat more to reach the minimum weight threshold – says Victor. – Regarding the upper age limit, we had the opportunity to teach men who were approaching 70 years old. It’s just a nice moment when you see the smiling face of such a person while sliding.

For anyone interested in giving it a try, the key question is how much time and effort do you need to put in to make kitesurfing satisfying?

– In my opinion, satisfaction begins the moment we sit on the board for the first time – assures Victor Borsuk. – People usually need 12-15 hours to get to this point. It’s very funny and hard to believe for someone who hasn’t tried it yet.

Of course, it all depends on predisposition, determination, focus and, above all, determination. – I studied for a few months to enter the board of directors, but I admit that I was very afraid and fear often paralyzed my good reflexes – Victor Borsuk smiles. – But there was one day when something clicked and I started swimming. From that moment on, I thought only about kitesurfing.

Today he is a seven-time Polish champion and has stood on the podium dozens of times in the World Cup, European Cup and Asian Cup. He is the most successful freestyle competitor in Poland and undoubtedly the most famous Polish kitesurfer in the world.

Anyone who wants to know more about the world of kitesurfing can watch an episode of the online show “With Those Who Know Each Other” with Victor Borsuk in the lead role. Kitesurfer tells among other things: about how he succeeded in the sport, even though he was not the most talented and, in addition, he suffered 48 injuries. He also tells how he faced 10-meter waves in Hawaii and why he prefers to be single.

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