How much gold does Poland have? The NBP has already overtaken Great Britain

As we reported in Business Insider Polska, August was the fifth consecutive month in which the National Bank of Poland purchased gold. With more than 300 tons of metal in the treasury, during Adam Glapiński’s tenure, the reserves invested in this metal more than tripled.

This is what NBP purchases looked like in recent months:

  • 14.8 tonnes in April;
  • 19.9 tonnes in May;
  • 13.7 tonnes in June;
  • 22 tonnes in July;
  • 14.9 tonnes in August.

As notes, Poland is climbing the ranking of countries with the largest gold reserves. “The latest report on official reserves prepared by the World Gold Council covers the second quarter of this year. With the current result of 314 tonnes, Poland has moved forward by a few points, ahead of Great Britain and – probably – Kazakhstan, and occupies 16th place in the world (taking into account data from the end of June – see the table below). If NBP completes the total purchase of 100 tonnes, it will move up one more place, also overtaking Saudi Arabia.“- We read.

Elite Boss

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