Lodź. The Lamus underground river will be brought to the surface [FILM]

  • Once extracted to the surface, the river will be fed by rain and meltwater
  • The park will also be restored. J. Kilińskiego and reconstruction of pl. Won
  • There will be storm water pre-treatment elements

The Lamus River was brought to the surface

The business will consist of the elevation of the Lamus River from the sewer system and expose it in the Park of J. Kilinski. They’re supposed to feed the river rainwater and meltwater neighboring properties and roofs of buildings, incl. Łódź Special Economic Zone, Film School or Museum of Cinematography. They will also water the greenery in Źródliska I-II park

The Łódź River Rediscovery Pilot is part of the largest of the project “Blue and Green Łódź: sustainable water management in the Lamus river valley”.

Photo Łódź Town Hall

Construction of a collector in Łódź

As part of this task, the construction is also planned collector along ul. Kilińskiego from the park border to the Jasień River and the revitalization of pl. Victory with elimination of opportunities flood. Items will be produced stormwater pretreatment with the use of a sequential sedimentation and biofiltration system. Soil moisture and groundwater levels will be monitored. The installation of specialized moisture sensors in the soil is planned.

Improve small retention and biodiversity

Of course, we will get to know all the details with the development of the concept, but we assume that we will manage to discover about 200 m from the river – says Maciej Riemer, director of the department of ecology and climate of the office of the city of Łódź.

Photo Łódź Town Hall
Photo Łódź Town Hall

The additional objectives are to increase little retentionimprove biodiversity in urban areas, increase the resistance of urban green spaces to the effects of drought and highlight the importance of the presence of water in the urban landscape.

The project will be carried out by a consortium of BZB Projekt from Łódź and DS Consilting from Gdańsk. Work is due to be completed this year.

Kongres #GWiOP2022 – science and business seek solutions to the effects of climate change

Water Management and Flood Protection Congress
Water Management and Flood Protection Congress

In days November 7-9 in Krakow will take place across the country Water Management and Flood Protection Congress. It is attended by representatives of business, science, local and state authorities and all those interested in the subject. water management, small retention, sponge city idea, green and blue urban infrastructure, rainwater harvesting and flood protection will have the opportunity to participate in workshops, conferences, demonstrations and technical visits.

The event will take place in the formula hybrid: it will be possible to participate directly in Krakow and on line through the platform AkademiaInzynieria.com

More information about the GWiOP congress program, speakers and accompanying attractions can be found on the official website side of Congress.

Read also : Krakow raises the banks of a dangerous river. another investment

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