Summary of 2022 by Dmitry Medvedev published by “Rusiskiya Gazeta”.
Dmitry Medvedev is delirious again
Medvedev he has devoted most of his text to attacks on the West, where he believes he is spreading Nazism and Russophobia. Russian propaganda through the mouth of Medvedev again repeats that the invasion of Ukraine intended to rid the country of the Nazis.
We will take all necessary measures to achieve all the objectives of the special military operation. The disgusting regime of nationalists in kyiv will disappear. Nobody else gave this mission, only us
– writes Medvedev. He adds that Russia there is no reason to negotiate with the West and he will establish relations with the rest of the world. He also wrote that the Kremlin would not negotiate with Ukraine, which the West would use to provoke war atomic with Vladimir Putin’s regime.
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Medvedev on Poland
The Russian politician devoted a lot of space to alleged Russophobia from West. According to him, countries like Poland have set themselves a trap, in which they allow themselves to be led and turned against Russia. Medvedev believes that even in Poland it is accepted today that the adoption of a strategy of endless confrontation with Russialed Warsaw into a dead end.
Poles hate Russia more than they love Poland
– cited one of Polish Medvedev politicians. He did not name the person who said that. However, he could have meant MP Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who in March quoted the quote above, attributing it to Roman Dmowski.