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Discover what is typical and unusual holidays can be celebrated today and who has name day October 11. We tell you what you can celebrate on this day, if you really want to.

Yesterday we celebrated, among other things: world homeless day, world mental health day, Columbus Day, Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity, purse day and drummer cuddle day. Check out what can be celebrated today if we really try to dig deep into the calendar.

Who is celebrating their birthday today?

Name day today: Aldona, Aleksander, Andronik, Bruno, Burchard, Dobromiła, Domaczaya, Emanuel, Emilian, Firmin, Gardomir, Gromisław, Maria, Marian, Placid, Probus and Zenaida.

October 11 – what unusual holidays?

October 11 falls international day girls. We’ve been celebrating since 2011, when the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to honor girls and highlight the importance of their rights. It was the first-ever documentary to shine a light on the needs and life challenges faced by girls around the world. The International Day of the Girl – like Women’s Day – emphasizes the need for equal rights, giving equal opportunities and creating the conditions to realize everyone’s dreams, whatever whatever their gender. This day is a great opportunity to realize how important in every girl’s life is the ability to express herself without restriction, unlimited creativity and to follow her passion, even if it sometimes means breaking generally accepted stereotypes.
Except that:

  • Every year on October 11 we can also celebrate Face Your Fears Day. It falls on the second Tuesday of October, that is, today. It can be seen as an excuse to finally break through and overcome the fear. Everyone is afraid of something: spiders, heights, public speaking and other things. The most important thing is to find the strength to face the fear and overcome the difficulties of life. Courage!
  • In addition, October 11 also falls on UNITED STATES Day of joy to spread. This is an opportunity to disseminate positive and uplifting information, among other things (even if – as is currently the case – it is very difficult to obtain it). You can also surprise others with a friendly gift, a cup of coffee or a funny message. This holiday was created to withstand the deluge of dark and somber news. Because sometimes all you need to do is smile.
  • October 11 is also day out. It’s an important day for representatives of LGBTQ+ minorities, as it emphasizes the courage to stand up for the truth and be proud of who you are, regardless of the opinions of others. Often “coming out” is not easy and can even be dangerous. This is why it is so important to sensitize society to value every person, regardless of race, creed, religion or sexuality – every human being has inherent dignity and deserves respect.
  • You can still celebrate on the same day Casimir Pulaski Day (also known as General Pulaski Memorial Day). In this way, Americans honor the contribution of an outstanding Pole to victory in the Revolutionary War. Let us remember that General Pulaski was not only one of the commanders of the Confederation of the Bar, fighting great battles with the Russian invader. After emigrating, he continued to support a nation fighting for freedom – this time in America, where the emerging United States declared independence from England. He saved George Washington’s life at the Battle of Brandywine and in 1778 raised a legion of cavalry that led to victory over the English at the Battle of Charleston. Casimir Pulaski died on October 11, 1779 from wounds sustained during the Siege of Savannah. He was the real hero of the struggle for the independence of two nations: Polish and American.
  • Let’s not forget that today is also the day Sausage Pizza Day. Although for an Italian this type of dish is a real insult, there is no denying that the popularity of pizza means that sometimes there are completely unexpected additions on top – the creativity of cooks in this case knows no limits. A popular addition in our country is, among others … sausage, which also rivals bacon or salami. What loves!

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