Piotr Zyla. This is the life of one of the most famous ski jumpers, the 2021 world champion. See the photos

Piotr Żyła is one of the most recognizable ski jumpers. Soon, at the beginning of November, the fight for the crystal ball will begin. We took a look at Piotr Żyła’s profile to see how he lives out of season. Invariably, everything in his life revolves around jumping and sports. See for yourself!

Piotr Paweł Żyła is one of the most famous ski jumpers in our country. Most of us hear “hehehe” in our heads when we think of him. The jumper was born on January 16, 1987 in Cieszyn. He is the winner of six world championship medals. He has reached the podium 17 times in individual World Cup competitions. Former Polish record holder for the length of the ski jump, which he set on March 24, 2019 in Planica (248m).

In 2006, he married Justyna Lazar, the cousin of Adam Małysz. They have two children: Jakub and Karolina. Unfortunately, the relationship did not survive, and on September 18, 2018, their first divorce case took place. In November 2018, the couple obtained a divorce by mutual consent, although there was no agreement between them… On social networks, the couple often washed their dirty laundry. Especially when the relationship between Piotr Żyła and the young actress Marcelina Ziętek came to light.

What turmoil in the life of the jumper would not happen, in his social networks you can see the constant love for sports. Most of the photos on the jumper’s profile are taken during training or competition. You can easily notice that outside the hill, Piotr Żyła spends his time very actively, playing football, going to the swimming pool or skating. In all struggles, he is backed by his fans, who have racked up 403,000 on Instagram alone.

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