Podcasts steeped in history – Polityka.pl

We invite you to Polityka.pl/podkasty to listen to two lectures as part of the POLICY about history series. The new “Historical Help from POLITYKA” is an opportunity to address the first theme: “The Swedes on the throne of Poland”. The Vasas are the third dynasty to reign in Poland, consisting of only three rulers: the father of Sigismund III and his two sons – Władysław IV and John Casimir. However, this Swedish line is not as familiar to us as the Piasts or the Jagiellons, as it was during the reign of the Vasa dynasty that the flood and the significant weakening of the Commonwealth occurred. Where did the Vasas come from, why did the Swedes consider them outstanding rulers and did they really have no merit as Polish rulers? Agnieszka Krzemińska, specialist at the time, prof. Michal Kopczynski.

The second conversation reveals blank spots in the history of World War II. During the war and just after, unwanted children were born, surrounded by taboos. They were the result of rapes by soldiers, of forced sexual intercourse on female workers deported to Germany, of shameful relations with the occupier. Jakub Gałęziowski, author of the book “Unspoken Biographies. The Polish children born because of the war” (Wydawnictwo Krytyki Polityczna), joined them and their descendants. He evokes their fate with emotion in an interview with Marcin Zaremba.

POLITYKA discussions (not just about the story) can be found at Polityka.pl/podkasty, as well as Spotify.com, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

We encourage you to listen!

Elite Boss

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