Program “Clean Poland” Polsat News when is it broadcast opinions Dominika Tarczyńska Marcin Szumowski Wojciech Brzeziński

“Clean Poland” is a program on a wide range of issues related to environmental protection, which will be broadcast every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. It will be devoted to topics ranging from the most important decisions in climate policy, through the latest news from the world of technology and their impact on the climate, to advice on how everyone can change the environment that surrounds him on a daily basis.

Host: Dominika Tarczyńska

The program will be hosted by Dominika Tarczyńska from the Association of Czysta Polska Programs (its president is Stanisław Janowski, president of Telewizja Polsat). Agata Kaźmierska, until recently associated with Polsat News and now responsible for the site, will be responsible for the substantive side of the program. The program will also be co-created by Marcin Szumowski, author of Polsat’s nature programs, and Wojciech Brzeziński, who covers topics related to new technologies at Polsat News. The producer of the program is Rammy Mahameed, editor-in-chief of the foreign affairs department of Polsat News.

– Thanks to the “Clean Poland” program, viewers will be able to learn the latest information about the achievements of scientists with comments from experts in a given field. They will also learn what technologies are used around the world and in Poland to reduce greenhouse gases and what tools they can use to be more “eco”. The program will also include guests who will explain, comment and deepen the information presented – explains the director of the journalism and information department of Telewizja Polsat, Dorota Gawryluk.

– The subject of ecology, especially climate change and the challenges for our planet, is not an easy subject because these stories are generally not positive and we prefer to look away because we wrongly think that they are produce far away and we have no influence on them. . That is why, in our program, we want to show that ecology is us, our actions and it is up to us to decide whether this story will be positive – says Dominika Tarczyńska.

The program will be implemented in cooperation with the Czysta Polska Program Association and the portal.

In January this year Polsat News channel had 1.9 percent. audience share, after an increase compared to January 2020 of 49.14%.

TVN24 was the leader in terms of audience among news channels. TVN24’s average daily share was 4.69%, following an increase of 10.43% compared to the same month of the previous year.

According to’s analysis, among the journalistic magazines broadcast after daily newspapers, the largest audience at the beginning of this year was “Gość Dzieńrzeń”, which has also been broadcast on Polsat for several months. Next came “Fakty po Faktach” and “Guest of News”.

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