Refugees in Germany – help from politicians and citizens

There are over 100 million refugees worldwide. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has never registered so many refugees as in 2022. Only Russian aggression against Ukraine since February last year has forced millions of people from their homes. Germany is committed to protecting refugees worldwide and reducing the causes of flight. But above all, many citizens help people in need socially.

Protection of refugees from Ukraine in Germany

According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, at the end of 2022 there were more than one million refugees from Germany Ukrainemainly women and children. This means that around 80% of those seeking protection who have arrived in Germany this year have fled Ukraine. Thanks to the rules agreed in the EU, they did not have to go through the asylum procedure. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “criminal war of aggression” against Ukraine “triggered the largest refugee movement in Germany since World War II,” Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said.

The second largest humanitarian donor in the world

The goal of German foreign policy is, as far as possible, first to avoid or defuse crises so that the reasons for flight do not arise in the first place. In addition, there is humanitarian aid on site. Germany supports the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR, United Nations World Food Program WFP and other non-governmental organizations. With more than 2.5 billion euros, the Federal Republic of Germany is the second largest donor humanitarian aid in the world.

Great involvement of the German people

Many people in Germany also work as volunteers for refugees around the world. They engage in the admissions program “NesT – A new beginning in the team”in which mentors accompany particularly vulnerable people. Another example is the initiativeStart with a friend“, or “Start with a friend”, which has been connecting refugees and people in Germany in tandem since 2015. Another offer is aimed at students: with offices in Germany, Jordan and Lebanon, Kiron University has been allowing refugees to study online since 2015.


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