The modernized version of the adventures of Sherlock Holnes, spanning four seasons, made Benedict Cumberbatch famous all over the world. However, six years have passed since the series aired and there is no indication that the famous detective will return. The creator of this production has just revealed the reason for this state of affairs. Steven Moffat also said he would start writing the script for season five if he heard that co-stars Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman had agreed to star in it.
So far, Sherlock’s small-screen adventure has culminated in an episode called “The Final Problem,” in which Sherlock Holmes went up against his nemesis Jim Moriarty, as well as his infamous sister. Viewers watched it almost exactly six years ago – on January 15, 2017.
Since then, countless fans have been waiting to step into the criminal mysteries of modern London with detective Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion, Dr. Watson. However, the creator of this production does not have good news for them. “I can start writing the screenplay tomorrow if only Cumberbatch and Freeman agree to come back. But they have bigger and better things to do. Martin and Benedict, please come back”, assured Steven Moffat during the morning show of the BBC. He is promoting his first play “The Unfriend”, which awaits its premiere in the West End. The show is directed by fellow Sherlock creator Mark Gatiss and features fellow Sherlock star Amanda Abbington in the cast.
During a morning meeting on the BBC, Moffat also revealed that he was in preliminary talks on the sequel to his latest series called ‘Closed’. Initially it did not have a large audience, but over time it managed to improve this result. Hence the chance that this Netflix production with Stanley Tucci and David Tennant in the main roles is continued. (PAP Life)