The best hospitals in the world and Europe 2024. Who is on the podium?

The best hospital in the world remains the famous Mayo Clinic. Four European institutions top the latest ranking of the best hospitals in the world: Charité (Germany), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris (France) and Universitätsspital Zurich (Switzerland).

We have learned the results of the most popular ranking evaluating hospitals – The best hospitals in the world Newsweek produced in cooperation with Statista. The hospital ratings included in the sixth edition of the ranking are based on surveys by 85,000 healthcare experts and public surveys of post-hospitalization patients regarding their overall satisfaction. The ranking included 2,400 hospitals from 30 countries.

The hospital assessment score also takes into account indicators such as hygiene and patient-physician attitudes, as well as the use of patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) surveys.

10 best hospitals in the world

Regularly on the podium of the ranking The best hospitals in the world North American opportunities remain: Mayo Clinic (United States) and Cleveland Clinic (USA) Canadian hospital comes in third place Toronto Generalwhich moved up two positions compared to last year’s report results, swapping places with Massachusetts General Hospital (USA). In fourth place ranking of the best hospitalsJohns Hopkins Hospital regularly takes first place.

Other articles in table of the best hospitals in the world are hospitals from Germany, Sweden, France, Israel and Switzerland. Named one of the TOP10 hospitals in the world, This year, another European institution can boast: the University Hospital Zurich moved up from 12th to 10th place. ranking of the best hospitals in the world.

Place Name of the hospital Country Position compared to 2023
1 Mayo Clinic-Rochester UNITED STATES 0
2 Cleveland Clinic UNITED STATES 0
3 Toronto General – University Health Network Canada -2
4 Johns Hopkins Hospital UNITED STATES 0
5 Massachusetts General Hospital UNITED STATES -2
6 Charity – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany +1
7 Karolinska University of Jukhuset Sweden -1
8 AP-HP – Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital France 0
9 Sheba Medical Center Israel +1
ten University Hospital Zurich Swiss +2

10 best hospitals in Europe

The best hospital in Europe According to Newsweek’s ranking, it’s Berlin Charity University Hospitalthus removing the top of the ranking from Sweden Karolinska Institute. Behind them, in third place best hospitals in europe ranks Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris.

Most European institutions are progressing in the general ranking. WITH ranking of the best hospitals in Europe Munich University Hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen has fallen (currently 27th in the world ranking, down from 20th). In its place was the second visible in TOP10 hospitals in EuropeRigshospitalet Copenhagen.

Place Name of the hospital Country Place in the world Global position compared to 2023
1 Charity – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany 6 +1
2 Karolinska University of Jukhuset Sweden 7 -1
3 AP-HP – Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital France 8 0
4 University Hospital Zurich Swiss ten +2
5 Vaudois University Hospital Center Swiss 12 +2
6 University Hospital Basel Swiss 13 +2
7 University Clinic Heidelberg Germany 15 -2
8 AP-HP – Georges Pompidou European Hospital France 17 +2
9 Rigshospitalet – Copenhagen Denmark 21 +6
ten Aarhus University Hospital Denmark 23 +1

The full list of the world’s best hospitals is available here.

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