On Thursday, the center for hysteroscopy in local anesthesia was inaugurated at the University Hospital of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Poznań. This is a historic moment not only for the Poznań factory, but above all for the whole country. In this place, women from all over Poland can be treated quickly and painlessly.
The ceremony was attended by Adam Niedzielski – Minister of Health, prof. Andrzej Tykarski – Rector of the Medical University of Poznań, Jan Grabkowski – Mayor of Poznań, Michał Zieliński – Wielkopolska Voivode and Jędrzej Solarski – Deputy Mayor of Poznań.
– This is an event of great importance for Polish medicine. We have a very important center which will use a modern method of diagnosis and treatment. This will also help train other doctors in Poland. We can say that here we are creating a competence center related to hysteroscopy procedures – underlined Adam Niedzielski, Minister of Health.
The opening of the center was possible thanks to funding from the budget of the Poznań district office, from which almost 2 million PLN was allocated for this purpose.
– Many are certainly surprised that the Poznań starost, who has his own hospital, decided to invest in this method. Well, this hospital also accepts patients from the Poznań district, and our district hospital in Puszczykowo does not run a gynecology and obstetrics department. Therefore, a decision was made to finance this investment – explained Jan Grabkowski, the starost of Poznań.
There were also foreign guests representing leading centers specializing in minimally invasive surgical techniques, including the creator of this method. The opening ceremony also took place in the presence of Prof. Bruno van Herendael – Medical Director – International Society of Gynecological Endoscopy ISGE and Dr Giampietro Gubbini, creator of the Gubbini System – Dr Giampietro Gubbini.
– Most patients who undergo endoscopic procedures are under general anesthesia. Here, step by step, the patient participates in all stages of the procedure. This means that the patient can closely observe her operation and this is truly one of the highest qualities in the world. It’s important for reducing fear and anxiety, prof. Wolf dog.
It is important to note that the patient can leave the hospital approximately 1.5 to 2 hours after the procedure. On the hospital’s website, a video is available showing what such a procedure looks like, so that every patient can prepare for it in advance.
– All these services are provided free of charge by the National Health Fund, do not require any additional payment and no referral is necessary. Just call the phone number 61 841 96 02 Where 61 841 91 84. All information is also available on our hospital website.
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– The most common cause for concern is unrealized uterine bleeding during menstruation. This situation, unfortunately, for some patients is associated with spotting, bleeding between periods, which is extremely disturbing. Unfortunately, and I regret to say, the dominant diagnostic method in this regard is to scrape the uterine cavity. In short – operating blindly – explains prof. Wolf dog.
– I would like to ask when we feel most comfortable – when we walk into a room where the lights are off and we don’t know where the furniture is, is it best to look inside and to cross the room when the light is on? This is the fundamental difference between this hysteroscopy under local anesthesia that we offer.
Additional illnesses include:
- the presence of polyps in the lining of the uterus,
- the presence of fibroids under the mucous membrane,
- the presence of changes in the uterine cavity that may limit fertility in any way
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