The most populated countries in the world. When will the population reach its peak?

World population: ranking of countries

According to the International Monetary Fund, most of the world’s population lives in China (18.25%), India comes second (18.04%) and the United States is third. 4.3 percent of the world’s population lives in the United States – chart shows

Asia is by far the most populated continent on the planet. This region of the world has the largest populations of China and India, as well as the many populous countries of Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

This makes half of the ten most populous Asian countries in the world. Half of the top 20 is also Asian. In this case, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Iran and Thailand are ranked by population size at positions 10 to 20. Next are Myanmar and South Korea, at 26th and 27th places, which represent approximately 0.7% of the world’s population.

Population forecasts until 2100

The United Nations estimates that Asia’s population will peak at 5.27 billion people in 2070.

Europe and Latin America are expected to reach their peak populations of 689 million and 765 million respectively around 2060. African populations are also expected to grow, but at a slower rate – only over the next century that their combined size could dwarf Asian populations.

The most populous countries in the world /

Elite Boss

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