I try to recreate the biography of things, mostly post-German, and understand their meaning for the previous and current owners – says Dr. Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska, winner of the POLITYKA science award in the category Humanities.
AGNIESZKA KRZEMIŃSKA: – You are in the field of widmontology, what is it?
DR KAROLINA ĆWIEK-ROGALSKA: – This is a French translation dumbbells – Phrases by Jacques Derrida, puns swagger – haunt and ontologies – learn to be. It is about dealing with what is at the border of being and non-being. According to this philosopher, the present is haunted by the ghosts of the past and we must learn to live with them.
Policy 45.2022
(3388) of October 31, 2022; Science ProjectPulsar.pl; p.62
Title of the original text: “Ghosts Regained”