Debate: international politics, American elections, electoral alliances

Filip Marczyński, GN | Created: 2024-02-19 09:14 | Modified: 2024-02-19 09:18

Guests of the Radio Wrocław political debate were: Robert Pieńkowski (Law and Justice), Robert Leszczyński (Civic Platform), Mateusz Masłowski (Polish People’s Party – Third Way), Marta Czech (Confederation), Andrzej Padniewski (Local Government without Party) . Workers), Aleksander Obłąk (Nowa Left).

During the debate we talked about the tense situation in the world, which is why we asked the guests about our security. Does Poland have an interest in Donald Trump or Joe Biden winning the US presidential elections? There are also elections awaiting us in our country. We talked about electoral alliances, lists and announced duels.

Listen to the debate:

part 1

part 2

Robert Pieńkowski said Poland may have no choice but to support Donald Trump in the US elections. He adds that Joe Biden’s presidency has been “bland”, “dormant”:

Robert Leszczyński comments that a free Europe without war is a free world without war:

Andrzej Padniewski says the question of who will be their president is an internal American question. He reminds us that Poland once congratulated Donald Trump on his success, and that Joe Biden ultimately won:

Aleksander Obłąk is surprised that anyone in Poland can support Donald Trump:

Marta Czech believes that we need to build an alliance with our neighbors or European countries. The representative of the Confederation mentioned the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary here:

Mateusz Masłowski believes that Poland should arm itself as much as possible in the coming years:

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