The coal passports for the Poles are already being printed?

I don’t know how the battle between Prime Minister Morawiecki and Attorney General Ziobro over EU grants will end; If the dispute ends negatively, it could seriously undermine the strength of the united right in the next election. Nevertheless, it is certain that the aforementioned KPO, milestones or the infamous carbon tax recently reported on “every chimney” are only for the main purposes of dragging us into the depths of modern slavery.

So when I listen to murderous ideas, representatives of the political economic litter, like the vice-president of the Left of the Left Gawkowski, I tremble and empty laughter envelops me, because they are people without any imagination, charged of the certainty of avoiding any consequences resulting from their absurd repetition of others. I read Gawkowski:

“The carbon passport is the individual emissivity of each citizen. This individual emissivity is already measured”

This has long been known, given the long-term eco-madness of the Krakow magistrate in the elimination of civil liberties, which must finally be decided by the court soon. Back to Gawkowski:

“We don’t know when it will be (coal passports), but the future indicates that sooner or later there will be such limits. As it is today when it comes to companies, large companies, early or later we all have to take responsibility for our environment, because we live. If we don’t, our children will die from smog, they can be born and die. So should state policy aim to reduce emissions? Should it? Will it ever affect the citizen? I think it will.”

I was particularly amused by a misleading sentence about Gawkowski’s sensitivity to the plight of Polish children dying of smog, unable to be born because of this smog. This left-wing hypocrisy amuses me greatly, because the above idiocy is spoken by a man who is officially in favor of the open murder of unborn children in the name of a distorted law, which supports the world idea of ​​​​civilization of death with his politics, but behind everything he talks about there is another poster.

Well, communists, from the time of their existence, have always wanted to jump from the rotten ancestral rollers to jump into the coveted patent leather shoes of the capitalists. Finally, be the ones they didn’t grow up for and what we often see they don’t grow up for. Healing your own complexes with unlimited power?

Of course, Sławomir Mentzen accurately commented on Gawkowski’s position on Twitter:

“The left already openly supports the establishment of carbon passports, thanks to which only the richest can afford a trip, a car or red meat. Poor people have to stay home, ride bikes and eat protein mass made from insects.”

And because these people have never cared about the good of their neighbor? Free jokes. They were always concerned about their own destiny, a rich destiny.

Elite Boss

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